RefrigiWear was founded over 60 years ago with one goal in mind: serving the industrial market by
keeping employees who work in extreme cold temperatures warm and working. They've spent those 60 years
constantly improving their products - understanding
their customers' needs and innovating to meet them.
RefrigiWear selects ReactorOne
In 2015, RefrigiWear chose ReactorOne as the e-commerce platform that would accelerate their business’s online presence. ReactorOne was a natural fit for a company with a tradition of innovation and responsiveness to its customer's needs. ReactorOne offered a combination of features that no other platform offers, including:
No-code site management
Our no-code interface gives RefrigiWear complete control over their customer
experience. They have a simple way to manage everything from promotional banners to the placement of
product information, buttons, site navigation, and landing
pages. This allows them to make updates to their site quickly without spending time worrying about
code and deployments.
User Segmentation + Personalization
RefrigiWear makes extensive use of ReactorOne's segmentation and personalization functionality,
managing over 100 unique customer segments to allow it to offer customized product catalogs, payment
terms, and site content to its B2B customers.
A/B Testing
With unlimited A/B Testing, RefrigiWear doesn't have to guess what their customers want. They can
quickly make changes to their site and then measure what works and what doesn't.
Custom pricing, catalogs, and payment terms
B2B businesses face unique challenges. Their customers may require orders to come through a
procurement system, and they often require custom payment terms, a custom product selection, and the
for their employees to shop for gear themselves with store credits.
ReactorOne offers all of these B2B features and more!
Strategy and platform drive results.
Since coming onto the ReactorOne platform, RefrigiWear has experienced growth in its online business
of nearly 50% year-over-year for four straight years! They've coupled our platform
with a well thought out and executed data-driven strategy making heavy use
of ReactorOne's content personalization, AB testing, and extensive set of B2B features to achieve
that growth, all while reducing their overall technology expenses.